Recently Coding Challenges are on trend, as many coders take a challenge to code problems everyday.January is the month where everyone wants to start a strict routine and try their best to follow it. In the coding world consistency is one of the important and difficult part to do and then what is the fun in doing a easy challenge..
January month is special for coders for another reason that is placement season will be just 3 months apart so most of the challenges will be for 3 months or 90days like GeeksforGeeks three 90 challenge, freecodecamp 100days challenge , some challenges are for 30 days like 6Companies30Days.
Every Challenges have a part where coders have to solve some problems and after solving they have to post it on LinkedIn or other social media platforms. Posting is a good way to keep track of our challenge and posting make us force ourselves to continue the challenge.
Past year I had started many challenges but thought of skipping posting as I didn't give importance to the posting, but after failing many challenges I got to know that posting is an important part of challenge. From my experience whenever I start challenge I will be very Enthusiastic and Motivated to start but that lasts for maximum 10 days after which I feel lazy or feel like skipping a day or importance which I used to give to the challenge reduces as there is no materialistic prize after finishing challenge and this reduces our motivation to continue the challenge.
How can Posting on social media everyday about the challenge helps us continue our challenge?....
There can be many answers for this and each person will have different answer, my answer is I need someone to be behind me to force me continue the challenge and posting on social media produces that "someone", I feel like there will be someone who will look at my post and I have to post the next post and tell them I am on it. This is my reason need not be yours some have reason like track their progress and get motivated by it, or getting likes and comments make them keep going, or posting tells the world that I am taking challenge and finishing it.
Health Along with Coding
Health is important to do anything in the life and guess what there are many popular challenges for Health like 75 days hard challenge, this challenge has many rules and finally they have to post a video or a photo. Doing both health and coding challenge would be hard and most of us are working or going to college so won't get time to do both so need to create a challenge which include both exercise and coding.
New Hybrid Challenge
I am creating a new challenge where everyday I will have one outdoor activity and practice code for 90 mins, it may include a contest or learning from youtube or solving geeksforgeeks or leatcode problems and I will be posting an article everyday where I write my notes and also what outdoor activity I did for the day. Notes can come in handy for my revision so killing two birds with one arrow.
I Want to Try Again.....
After failing many challenges last Year , I want to try again this year and do my best to finish it. I am doing this challenge for 90 days and if I miss a day I will start again from the start.
In this challenge, task for everyday is:
Do one outdoor Activity
90 mins Learning code
Write an article explaining coding problem worked on that day.